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Fundable Opportunities


We honored to explore the opportunity to partner with you or your organization to meet your philanthropic priorities while also giving JA students the power of hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Below you’ll be able to see all the ways you can support JA financially.


Annual Gala

Donor Opportunity

The Junior Achievement of New York (JA New York) Annual Gala is a premier event held every November, bringing together leaders from business, education, and philanthropy to celebrate the transformative impact of JA's programs on young people across the New York City, Long Island, and Lower Hudson Valley regions.

Learn more about Annual Gala

JA Finance Park Sponsorship Opportunities

Donor Opportunity

JA Finance Park, located in Manhattan's vibrant Garment District, provides schools and students across the region with an immersive financial literacy experience. Sponsoring JA Finance Park offers your company exceptional brand visibility while empowering thousands of young people from high-need communities to make informed financial decisions. Explore how your investment can create lasting impact through JA Finance Park sponsorship opportunities.

Learn more about JA Finance Park Sponsorship Opportunities


Donor Opportunity

The Junior Achievement of New York Bowl-A-Thons are exciting and impactful team-building events where employees from corporate partners come together to bowl, network, and raise funds to support Junior Achievement’s mission of inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy.

Learn more about Bowl-A-Thons

Partner with Junior Achievement Using Your DAF

Donor Opportunity

Transform lives using your Donor Advised Fund, DAF!

Learn more about Partner with Junior Achievement Using Your DAF

Sponsor JA Inspire

Donor Opportunity

JA Inspire is a dynamic career exploration program designed by Junior Achievement to help middle and high school students connect their education to the real world of work. Through a combination of classroom sessions and an interactive career fair, JA Inspire exposes students to a variety of career pathways, industries, and opportunities, empowering them to start thinking about their future goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

Learn more about Sponsor JA Inspire

Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of New York, Inc..

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