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JA Weekly

About JA Weekly Classroom Programs 

JA Weekly Classroom Programs bring volunteers into the classroom to teach students, K-12, about entrepreneurship, personal financial literacy, and workforce readiness. By sharing their personal and work experiences, JA volunteers bring real-world relevance into the classroom, bridging the gap between the education and business worlds. This sharing brings the curriculum to life for students, helping them not only to better understand the JA lessons, but also to make the correlation between a solid education and the opportunities it provides.  JA programs are aligned with the common core standards for Math, English and Language Arts.  

Why Volunteer?  

Volunteers are critical to the success of our programs and JA volunteers have the opportunity to impact a large number of students in a short span of time. As a volunteer, you will inspire and prepare young people for their futures and help youth avoid the financial pitfalls so many adults currently face.

As a JA Weekly volunteer, you will have the opportunity to work with students over a period of time and develop a more long-term rapport with them. This can be very rewarding as you build a connection with your class over the course of the program and see how they look forward to their time with you!

What is my time commitment?

  • Orientation & training session
    60-90 minutes
  • Preparation at home
    30-60 minutes for each lesson
  • Elementary School Programs
    5 sessions, 30-45 minutes each
  • Middle School Programs
    6 sessions, 45 minutes each
  • High School Programs
    5-7 sessions, 45 minutes each 

What is provided to me?

JA provides you with all the materials necessary to teach your class and engage your students, including a comprehensive volunteer lesson plan guide and hands-on teaching materials (including posters, stickers, games, etc.). JA will train you on how to use the resources provided to you, and will connect you to a local classroom.
You and the teacher can schedule your 5-7 visits together. The teacher will remain in the classroom to support you throughout the sessions. 
You will also have a JA contact who can answer any questions you have, and provide any assistance you may need. 


Volunteer Delivery Method I'm Interested In   
Grade Level I'd Like To Teach   

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